Monday, March 07, 2005

Bus lag and sore legs

By now, most everyone knows I’m back from my class last week because most of you would have saw me at church yesterday. If you didn’t see me at church, I’m back (and where were you?). If you didn’t know I was gone, I was, and I’m back. It was a good trip. The class was a Restoration Movement history class and much of it was review. It is good material to review though because the last time I read much of it, I was a disinterested college senior. Now, however, I have a great appreciation for the Movement itself and its plea. Basically, the whole thing is grounded in bringing unity to the church universal according to the Bible and it alone, uniting everyone who calls themselves Christians and getting away from denominationalism. So, there’s your history lesson for today. We went to historical sites in Nashville, TN, Lexington, KY and the surrounding area, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indy. The class itself was made up from a mixed bag of folks, some who had never heard of the movement or its key players. All in all, it was a good but very tiring week. I’m not sure if “bus lag” is an actual term or condition, but I’m feeling it. I’m coming from being very active for the last two months to doing nothing but sit on a bus and try to keep myself upright as we tool through hills and hollers. Not my idea of exercise! So I come home Saturday and get on the bike and felt decent. Sunday, Kim and 3 highschool guys and I took the 3-5 grade boys to laser tag yesterday. Then in the evening, we enjoyed a rousing game of ultimate Frisbee, the first of the year. Needless to say, my legs are aching a bit from the sudden increase in workload. I enjoy it though. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t do it. But I still need a bag of ice and a nap.

Proverbs 7:8 says, “He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house…”. We pick up with the story of our foolish young man in chapter 7. He’s about to be seduced by the adulteress, and we all know it looking in on him. I want to bring out a point here that will resonate with most of us. Unfortunately, it may sting a little if we’re honest with ourselves because we’re all susceptible to it, no matter what age or gender. This fella is walking down the road toward the house of the adulteress. In a tight community, like this one probably would have been, everyone would have known that this is where she lived. He’s basically walking into a trap that he knows full well is there. This is the point: we are so prone to flirt with danger and sin in our lives that we try and get as close to it as possible without falling off or crossing the line. But what seems worst of all, is that as far away as we think we are, sin has such a hold of most of our lives that it often times seems to reach across that line and pull us the rest of the way in! Sure, we have the final choice, but most of us are not used to withstanding temptation for very long. Sorry, but that’s the truth. The cure for this, and it seems so elementary, is prevention. Don’t go down the street in the first place!!! We know bad things lie at the end of that road! Don’t set a foot on it. Stay the course, the straight and narrow. We may think that life will be less exciting if we stay on the boring, old straight path. But as we progress on it, we’ll be conformed to God’s will where we will learn the joys and blessings of following after God’s path for our lives.

Hey, two deadlines are quickly approaching:
Jr. High Retreat: Deadline is Sunday March 13
Sr. High Spring Retreat: Deadline is March 20



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