Thursday, February 10, 2005

Snowman soup

I'm using one of my Christmas presents as I write this. I got done with Campus Life this morning and came back to the office knowing that I would be hungry within the next 30 minutes after playing around with Jr. Highers all morning. So I'm thinking to myself, "What am I going to eat?" because I know there's nothing in the office and nothing next door and, really, nothing much at home to eat. So, I go looking around the office to see what I can scrounge up. Across the room to the left of my desk is a little filing cabinet. On top of it was a little plastic bag with a label on it reading "Snowman Soup". Basically, it's hot cocoa mix with a candy cane, a handful of marshmallows, and a few Hershey's Kisses. Now, I'm not so sure that snowmen actually drink this stuff because, well, it's hot! The two just don't mix! Anyhoo, I whipped up the stuff and am enjoying it. Just enough sugar and substance to get me through till lunch. so to that folks who thought enough of me to give me Snowman Soup for Christmas, thanks a bunch! It came through when I needed it.

Proverbs 10:7 says, "The memory of the righteous will be a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot". That's a nice mental picture for ya'! Like road kill in the summer, the name of the wicked will rot away over time. It kind of makes you want to treat people a little nicer so that when we are no longer, we'll have good memories that go with our names. I think this principle has far reaching implications for us. Think back over time about people not only in your lives but in history as well. There are the good folks and the bad folks. The good folks are usually only remembered for the good things they did and, obviously, the bad folks for the bad things they did. There aren't too many people known for their fenceriding, but we aren't focusing on that really. When you think back on people who would fit into the "good" category, names like Paul, Augustine, William Wallace, Harriet Tubman, Ghandi, and Ronald Reagan come to mind. In the "bad" category, you have folks like Nero, Attila the Hun, Vlad the Impaler (Count Dracula), Jack the Ripper, Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson. The things you do in this life will, at least in the minds of the people left behind, will follow you into the next life. No one remembers the Mother's Day card that Hitler got for his mom or the time when Charles Manson stood up for his sister on the school bus. No, they are remembered for being evil people and will continue to be throughout time. Those who are righteous will only continue to flourish because their work was not only for the time at which they existed, but for ages to come. Those who truly seek to make an impact on the world for the kingdom of God will be remembered for their lives. Not just because they were good people, but because the impact that was made was in Jesus name.



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