Thursday, February 03, 2005

Second worst place

I hate zits. I hate them on me and my softer, empathetic side hates them on you, too. They just get in the way and they look bad and some are even painful. There are bad places to get zits. Aside from just getting on on your forehead before the biggest date of you life, there are some places where zits pop up that are simply worse than others . I think that the worst place to get a zit is on the inside of your nose. You know, just on the inside of your nostril where no two fingers can possibly reach in order to pop the little sucker! Those are the most painful and annoying to have because you just have to wait them out. The second worst place to have one, in my opinion, is on your lip. Painful, unsightly, annoying, in the way...all the bad things that zits are, all in one place. This matters because I have one right now...and I hate it! Yeah, it's a little gross but it's a part of life. I've really been trying be good about keeping my face clean and clear of blemmishes lately, but I'm not winning the battle yet. But I suppose like anything else, I have to continue or the work that has already gone in will be for nothing. So for all you out there who are stuggling to keep from looking like Rudolph or a young devil just sprouting horns, I feel you. I don't think I'll be starting a support group for the complexionally impaired or get on the info-mercial bandwaggon and talk up some cure-all facial system, but just keep up with what I'm doing and giving a little more attention to my diet. Somehow it helps. Enjoy your day and keep your nose clean. You don't want to get anything growing up in there!

Proverbs 3:7 says, "Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil". Have you every known anyone who is wise in their own eyes? Yeah, that didn't take too long to figure out, did it? I hate to admit it, but there is a little, devilish part of me that likes to see these folks get proved wrong. It's gotten smaller over the years but it still shows up from time to time. But this verse isn't talking about other people. No, this is instructional to us. However much I dislike a know-it-alls, I myself can be one as well. We all must guard against this type of attitude. It's an easy one to get trapped by. Pride is so easy to grasp but it is so difficult to let go. If we are wise in our own eyes, we really don't practice wisdom. In the Big Deal last night, we talked about wisdom and how it relates to service, that serving others is a wise act. But having this bad attitude, we are not able to "serve" in a way that is helpful to others. Also, we wll not be able to have a proper relationship with God. If I think that I know everything there is to know about a subject, there is no reason for me to seek help or to consult another person. If we do that with God, our relationship with him will halt because there is no communication between the two parties. The verse says we are to "fear God": acknowledge him in reverence, and to "shun evil": keep yourself from it! If we live by those two things alone, we fulfill much of the words of wisdom given to us in the Proverbs! Put God first, stay away from evil. By putting God first, we'll have a better understanding of just who we are. We are so small in comparison to his greatness and wisdom. Being wise only to ourselves is really a foolish thing to do. We'll end up impressing only ourselves and depressing those around us as well as the One who is ultimately wise.

Remember: Sunday 6:00 pm is the Super Bowl Party for Jr & Sr High. The Wilsons live in the Haywood Farms subdivision, just off of "Burnsville" road. Girls: drinks, Fellas: snacks, Everybody: $2.



Blogger Amber Lynn said...

I actually hate getting zits on the side of my nose where it is impossible to pop but everyone can see. Eeew!

10:13 AM


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