Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Would you like a mint on your pillow?

I get to play host to a couple of my college friends tonight. Andy and Elisha (pronounced “eh-LEESH-uh”, not like the prophet) and I went to Johnson together and now their also at LCS with me (I suppose I’m there with them, since they’ve been there longer). They are coming through on their way to Bloomington, IN for a psychological evaluation at IU. Why would my friends need such an evaluation you might ask? Because they claim me as their friend? Not hardly. Because their in ministry? Not directly (although, sometimes I wonder about guys like us) but yes. They’re being evaluated by a man who has developed a test that points out certain key character traits in successful church planters (which Andy and Elisha are). The test will not determine but give a probability of their future success in the field of church planting. Good luck, guys! So, since I’m relatively close to IU, they’re coming over for the night. I’m pretty excited about seeing both of them again. It’s good to be able to help a friend out, too.

Proverbs 20:4 says, “A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.” Hmmm…what to say…what to say??? Unfortunately, I can’t point too many fingers on this one because too often I find myself saying, “Man, if only I’d have done this or that back then…” This used to be my mantra, right next to “I’ll do it later”. A sluggard is just a fun Bible word for a lazy bum. It just sounds greasy and lazy! Sluggard! Anyway, this person doesn’t do anything when he needs to. He simply lets life pass by and takes it easy. Well, when he’s hungry and goes to the fridge for a snack, what does he find? Empty space and moldy leftovers! He even put off going to the grocery store. What do we learn from our lazy friend? Don’t be like him!!! I’m working harder not to be as I get deeper into school and I have more responsibilities at church. It’s hard work not to be lazy, but it really doesn’t take that much at all. If you have a five minute task to do, take five minutes and do it. I was talking to one of my profs at school yesterday and he was telling me of his Friday when he vowed not to leave his office until all his little 3-5 minute jobs were completed and he could see the top of his desk again! It doesn’t get any better as you get older, so learn now to keep up and keep ahead. In doing so, we free ourselves up to play and do the Lord’s work, both of which are much more fun than blowing an afternoon cleaning one’s office, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, garage…

10/30 @ 3:00 pm: Rake-n-Run. Meet at BCC & bring a rake.
Also @ 6:00 pm: People of Prayer
10/31 - Youth Sunday. Sign up to be a part of the action.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kool kars! Great work guys! Looks like it was lots of fun being creative!

10:39 PM


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