Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Cold Feet

No, it's not what you think. I really do have cold feet! I took the long way to the office this morning and walked the driveway to the road instead of cutting across the lawn because of all the rain. If you are in the area, you know that it hasn't stopped raining since it started yesterday. Heading home for lunch, I forgot about the mess that is my lawn and tried cutting across only to get my feet soaked to the core! I was sinking in at every step. Not only was the ground soaked but there is a mole colony that goes under the part of the lawn I use to cross, so it made the sinking deeper. It was a rough trip and was uncomfortable until I got some dry socks on! So I'm sitting here after lunch in the office in sock-feet with my shoes stretched out and open over the heat vent getting toasty warm for the trip home. Be careful out there! It could get slick and walking anywhere after ditching your car will dampen more than just your shoes!

Proverbs 5:6 says, "She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths are crooked, but she knows it not." This passage in Proverbs talks more about the adulteress that seems to pop her head up at just the right (or wrong) time. Just to reiterate: this book spends a lot of time talking about adultery and adulterous behavior. It shouldn't take long to figure out why, especially in our society. In our youth group, we have spent a considerable amount of time talking about staying on the right path this past year. We talked about the path that Christ laid out for us to walk on that is straight and narrow. It involves concentration, focus, and commitment to find it and stay on it, but it is a good road and leads to life. The alternative is the broad road. The broad road accomidates everyone who is not on the narrow road. Fast lanes, slow lanes, whatever you are comfortable with, but this road leads to death. This is the road that the adulteress is on. Back and forth from lane to lane, enticing people to follow her on a joy ride that ends in a lot of pain. The verses before this one say that she's a sweet talker and is very persuasive. However, she is headed in one direction and taking everyone she can with her. What worse than the fact that she cruising headlong for the grave is that she doesn't know or doesn't care! Maybe both ("Ignorance is bliss.")! Apathy is as contagious as the flu in a daycare and if we as Christians don't protect ourselves against it and adultery by getting the wisdom that is offered to us, then we will fall victim to it as well. Try and figure out which road you are on and if you find that you're not on the road to life, don't be stubborn and wait for a convenient exit! Find the right road ASAP!

Big Deal tonight @ 7.
Deadline for Seniors to register for the CIY Discipleship conference is this Sunday Jan 9.



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