Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I'm heading to Terre Haute today to switch my car insurance. It seems that I've been throwing money away over the last couple years paying WAY too much for what I thought I needed. I won't give figures but I could have built up a killer bike or saved to go on a dream honeymoon with Laura for what I've spent! Yeah, ouch. So, I'm going with Progressive. Good rates, good reps in TH, and the same coverage I'm getting now. It's a no brainer really. I'm just a little frustrated/embarassed/mad at myself for going with something so expensive for so long and my insurance guy for not telling me that I could be saving elsewhere. That probably upsets me more than anything. I have all my insurance in the one office, so I thought I would be getting a deal. Well, that's not the case! I've learned over the past few years that some people will take advantage of you if you are young and trusting. I can't help the former and I refuse to neglect the latter. I suppose I'll have to be a little more educated from now on. I suppose if I were giving advice to the younger readers of this blog I would tell them that they should get educated before making financial commitments. Car buying, insurance, housing, whatever. Don't shrug off any advice from parents, relatives, friends, even total strangers. At very least, weigh it against what you already know. I'll stop here because I don't want this to become a rant. Just be smart and remember to be a good steward with that which God has entrusted you.

Proverbs 16:8 says, "Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice." This is one of those simple and good sounding proverbs that takes a little effort to really swallow. Obviously injustice is not a desirable condition to live in nor is being unjust a good trait to possess. Most people consider themselves "good people" and a select few of them will honestly be seeking righteousness according to God's word. But there's this little problem here with the distinction between "little" and "much". No one really wants little. I don't think that everyone wants to have bajillions of dollars but they at least want to be comfortable. Without getting off track and into a discussion of possessions and paychecks, let's go back to what seems to be the heart of this proverb. The real focus of 16:8 is the distinction between righteousness and injustice. Righteousness is a much higher standard than injustice and is what God desires us to be. Righteousness, no matter what level of social standing or income, is the far great ethic than injustice. It is greater in God's sight to be upright and godly than to be filthy rich and cruel to those around. We are promised God's blessings if we strive to live for him, so we need not worry about amassing things to make our ride through this life more cozy, especially at the expense of others. Seek God and I believe whatever you now have will be that much more enjoyable.

Sr. High...Is your name on my list? It had better be by Sunday if you plan to go to the JBC Spring Retreat. Make your checks for $30 out to Berea Christian Church and have your parents sign the permission slip.



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