Monday, May 24, 2004

I don't know what I'll do without school lunch

Today is the last Monday of the school year in the Clay Co. school system. I’m sure that all of you who read this who are in school will be rejoicing. I, for one, am torn. I’m torn between rejoicing with you, because I always enjoyed being out of school and I like it when everyone’s schedules are opened up (a little bit), and lamenting because I’ll miss the regular visits to lunch at the high school. Yeah, the food’s not all that great, but the company is why I’m there. Sure, I’ll see everybody at least once a week on Sundays and whenever we get together for other activities, but there’s just something about that setting. I like hanging out with your friends, sitting at your tables, eating your food. So just so I don’t miss you all this summer, make sure you a) come see me in my little office from time to time and b) come to our fellowship events and bring a friend so I don’t miss them either. Hope your Monday goes well.

Proverbs 24:1-2 says “Do not envy wicked men, do not desire their company; for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble”. It’s easy to look at a rich man and say “Man, wouldn’t it be nice…”. We can think of all the ways to spend that money and what we would do with our time because we wouldn’t have to work any more. Think about all the new friends you’d meet and the places you could go. What if that rich man asked you to come and hang out, to be able to enjoy his wealth for a while? It would be nice to have friends in high places! But what if that man, who has all the money and the cars and the mansions and the other rich friends, were a drug dealer or murderer? Would that change your view of him and your desire to associate with him? In our lives, we’ll probably never have to face that scenario but there will be times when we’re tempted to be like someone else or to have something someone else has, even when that person is of low morals or just an outright bad person! It says here in Proverbs that we’re not to envy these folks because to be like them, to have what they have, would cause us to fall into their lifestyle of evil and violence. Their fate is sealed. I, for one, don’t want their end. Yeah, it might be nice to have a little extra padding in my wallet by not at the expense of losing everything…forever. I hope that we can learn to be content with what we have, in little or in much, and keep our lives focused on peace and godliness.

Wednesday: BIG Big Deal 7-9pm!!!!
Saturday: People of Prayer
Sunday: Youth Sunday



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