Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Plight of the Mythological Creature

In thinking about storybook creatures and those of folklore, several really cool ones come to mind. Griffins, unicorns, and jackalopes are just a few. But being a dragon would be pretty cool on most days. You'd have a really cool coat of scales, most fly and breathe fire, and to live in a lair with heaping mounds of gold coins and jewels as a couch beats Cribs and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition with a stick! Most days you just sit around at home and occasionlly entertain visitors (afterwhich, you eat), and sometimes you go fly about and set things on fire, like trees and villages and whatnot. But there's days where being a dragon wouldn't be so cool. Torch bearing mobs shouting at the mouth of the lair, guys with armor piercing arrows taking cheapshots at you when you're trying to exercise, and the stares you'd get from the general public when you go into town for a coffee. Today is kinda one of those days for me. I feel like I'm a-draggin'. Get it? There's my witty, blogger play on words for the day. A Midnight ambulance run and general restless sleep otherwise with all that's on my plate for the day has got me running pretty slowly thus far. I'm hoping for better things later on.


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