Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Bad boy

Well, I have a confession to make. I've not entered a new post since some time last week. I've been on here so little lately that I had to think about my password before entering it! I'll try to be better.

This morning, I rode a little more than 25 miles on my bike. It was a good ride that I made difficult. I'm trying to keep fresh for a race in Terre Haute on Saturday that you should all come to. I'm not able to go to any group rides, including the all important Thursday night Ventures ride, because of VBS, so I have to ride fast and hard on my own. It's difficult but it will pay off. And you should come watch on Saturday at 1:30 and 3:20 at 6th and Cherry.

Find a Bible and read Proverbs 9:1-6. These pictures of Wisdom crying out desperately for those who need it to come to her are neat to me. She's done everything, she's prepared and ready, and she's inviting all to come to her for what they so dearly need. The food and drink that she has is good and life-giving and it's waiting on those who will come and take (as much as they want, mind you). I feel for the girl, though. As well as she's prepared, as good as the food, and as eternal the nourishment, the people that need it don't come! I can't sound more-holy-than-thou and say that I know exactly what she means, because I have kids that just don't seem to listen to me, but many times I'm one of the fools who just walks on by, turning a deaf ear to the truth that's being said. When will we stop? When will we stop throwing life away and grasp the good thing that's been there from the beginning? The Lord is calling to us by his "Wisdom" and offers us understanding and spiritual food that fills and quenches beyond what anyone or anything else can offer. But it falls back to us to choose. Do we go to the house that's strong and established with food that is good and eternal or branch out on our own and let whatever happens happen? Let's do the right thing, eh'?

Updates and other stuff...
Friday is the pool party at Forest Park from 6-8.
Saturday I'm racing in TH at 1:30 and 3:20 (come and yell)
Next Wednesday we're going to the Brazil Emergency Food Pantry to help clean and stock shelves. This service project will benefit them as well as give us an opportunity to learn to serve others.



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