Friday, March 22, 2013

Chance happening

Not sure what's brought me back here today, but here I am.  It's been forever since I last posted.  I'm not sure sometimes why I keep this thing open, but at one point in time it was useful/cathartic/fun/etc.  Not that it isn't those things, but man, I just haven't felt the desire lately (like in the last 7 years).  There are a lot of blogs and bloggers out there that are much better/interesting than mine as well as those which are simply terrible.  I'm not sure where this one fits in between the poles of fantastic and fodder, but hopefully somewhere securely in the middle.  Well, if you stumble across this as a former reader, I'm still alive.  If you're new to IFJ, welcome.  As there isn't much between 2005-2013, I encourage you to look back upon a time in my life where this was a part of my everyday.  Maybe it will be again someday, who knows.  (No promises!)  Until next time...