Friday, June 25, 2004

Round and round and technicalities

We had a fun time on Wednesday evening as 14 of us went to TH Skate World. We played tag, ate bad concession-stand food, and had an all-out good time. Tag was fun, however, we were kindly informed that some of us (myself included) were skating too fast. Well, being that it was kids night and there were quite a few little ones, we obliged the staff and called off the game. Matt did notice that one of the rules were "Skate at your own risk" which, technically, we were. We were also looking out for the folks who, technically, were skating at their own risk just by being there. So this was just an exercise in taking the high road. Don't worry Matt, we had a good time there so we'll try and rent the place out some time in the future, when there's no one there but us speed junkies, and skate as fast and as wrecklessly as we want. We'll play tag all night!!! Ha ha!!! We'll show them!! hem...It was good to take the high road, guys, yeah. Good show.

I'm going to forego a Proverbs devo for today (I know, you're all broken up) in light of getting my camp lesson finished up. And so you know, I won't be posting for all of next week, not because I'm lazy, but because I really have a good excuse this time. I'll be back at the beginning of the following week with new, I mean posts. Yeah.

Get your release forms for the canoe trip on the 12th of July this Sunday.
July 4 is the parking lot party. We'll be hanging out and serving lemonade to the folks who come the see the fireworks from our lot. Invite your friends!

Later... (See you after camp)

Monday, June 21, 2004

A good night's sleep...and a little more

I slept in this morning. Not like Michael who will waste away 70% of the day's daylight hours sleeping until, like, 2 pm. But I slept until about 7:25, which was enough time to shower and eat b-fast and get to work on time. I sacrificed the morning bike ride because, well, just because the body was telling me I needed the rest after a long and busy weekend. It wouldn't have been very eventful anyways because I'm still not able to actually ride on the road yet. No doctor has said "Yes you can" or "No you can't ride" but it just doesn't seem like it's been long enough to be "safe". Not that staying off the bike will heal me any faster than getting on the bike will kill me any faster. Anyways, it's the trainer for now. I spent a nice weekend visiting my girlfriend and her family this past weekend. If you didn't get to meet her the last time she was here, she's coming the weekend of the 4th, so stay tuned. After that, I preached on Sunday a.m. and all that contributed to my peaceful, longer than normal sleep last evening.

I'm going to see Buffy at after her surgery later this week. She'll be in consultations all day tomorrow and then have the operation on Wednesday.

Proverbs 21:2 says, "All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart". This is much like the verse from the other day so I won't belabor this point. We as people have a way of thinking that we're right all the time and we'll act on those "right" feelings without much concern as to whether or not they actually are right or not. All things considered (motives, biases, grudges, likes/dislikes, etc.), man is pretty self centered. The Lord determines, and already has determined, what is right and what is not. Our thoughts ought to center around God's plan for our lives and not our own. We have no real control over what life dishes out. Life, death, health, bike wrecks. All these things will come and go. God knows the right way, and wishes for us to pursue it. But he also knows the heart of man is centered away from that way. Let God direct your ways for he knows us and knows what is best.

This week: Wednesday @ 6:00 pm we're leaving for TH Skate World. $1 for reg. skates, $2 for speed, & $3 for blades.
July 4 Independence Day Parking Lot Party, invite all your friends and bring some snacks. We'll start at 8.
July 12 canoe trip at Turkey Run. Ken Arini and I will be floating along with you. There will be release forms at church on Sunday. YOU NEED THEM TO GO!!!


Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Helping hands

This morning was the trip into town to the Brazil Emergency Food Pantry. We had 6 come in to help do odd jobs around the place while the ladies who normally work there delegated out our jobs. We finally got into a groove and got some pretty good work done in the time we were there. I want to thank those who came and remind them that the work done there was appreciated and will not go completely unnoticed. Good work, everyone!

I had lunch at Eddie's today with Nick. It's always an experience going in there. Today was the first day that I'd ever eaten inside. It's always a treat.

Proverbs 16:2 says, "All a man's ways see innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD". Isn't that true?!? As much as we try and fool ourselves sometimes and justify the things we do, no matter how trivial they might seem to us, it is God who knows the real reason and is not fooled. I'm sometimes embarrassed when I think about some of the activities I've done in the name of "doing a good deed (where I get most of the benefit)" or "no one will get hurt (or ever know)". We only fool ourselves when we choose to live life in this way. God, who created us, is not going to be faked out by our little games. He knows us inside and out, up and down. This ought to be motivation for us to fill our lives with good things and seek the best for others besides our selves. When we get in selfish or prideful modes, we lose sight of God's way and his plan for us. The very next verse (16:3) gives great application to this thought (but you've got to find it yourself!).

Next Wednesday evening is Skate Night. We're going to Skate World in TH at 6:00. Bring $$$ for skate rental and snacks (if you want). Bring a buddy!!! That's what this is for.
Pete's Cookout for Highschool is Friday at 5 pm. Be there!


Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Chillin' & Grillin'

Tomorrow evening is the first fellowship event for my Sunday school class. I'm hoping that we'll have a good turn out for it because it would be a real shot in the arm for the class. Right now, it consists of 3 (+/-) and myself. True the class has only been around for a school year, and we'll hopefully retain some of our highschool grads, but it's growing rather slowly. It's a whole different ball game trying to teach peers than it is teaching people who are 5 to 10 years younger. Plus, not everyone is like me, so I don't really know what will appeal to folks on a mass level when I'm planning things. Like I said, hopefully we'll have a good turn out and this will be the beginning of some good things for a group who need some good things.

Proverbs 15:2 says, "The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly". I'll come back to the wise in a few, but I want to talk about this other guy first. Don't we all know someone like this? You know, the guy/gal who you just pray doesn't say something because you know it going to be colossally stupid/redundant/meaningless/etc? Sometimes, I just don't know what will help these people more: a swift kick or a helpful word. But in light of any attempt to help that one might conjure up, the Bible tells us that these will pretty much all be in vain. The fool doesn't listen to wisdom, whether it's voiced by a caring, empathetic individual or by my size 9 on his back side! These folks will continue to shoot their mouths off and "gush folly" (great mental images here!) and prove the saying "Better to have someone think you're a fool and keep quiet than to open you're mouth and remove all doubt (or something like that). No, the person that will gain from correction is the wise! The person who seems like they need it the least will benefit the most form it, because it will actually do good! To commend wisdom is to acknowledge that it is good and right, even if that means swallowing one's pride and facing the fact that you might be in the wrong. The wise man will accept this fact and be better for it. We have to face the facts, folks. There are too many foolish people in the world...let's not add to the number. Seek to live and be wise.

Tomorrow morning (Wednesday)-Food pantry (9:45 @ church. We're done at 12)
Saturday-Highschool Sunday School cookout (5:00 pm)


Monday, June 14, 2004

Skinny tires and headaches

Well, if you haven't heard yet, I had a bike wreck on Friday morning. If your first inclination is to worry, assuming that this is your first time reading about it, please don't. For the rest of you who have heard the story and seen the show, ignore the next couple sentences.

*I was just starting my ride and proceeded around a corner that was wet and oily and the bike simply went out from under me. Because of the angle of the turn, and the relative lack of speed (so, no, I wasn't going too fast!) I went straight down...on my face! I have several minor scratches on my face and chest, but have a nice black eye and a cheeckbone with 3 fractures. I spent the morning in the Clay Co. hospital, got x-rays, CT scan, blah blah blah...I'm doing much better now, thanks.

So anyways, I have a little bit of a headache this morning because I'm not going to take my pain medicine anymore. Why, do you ask? Well, it's not a matter of being a tough guy, health reasons, or saving the rest to sell on the black market...I just don't think I need it (and my Jiminy-Cricket-esque conscience told me not to!). I rode on the trainer a bit this morning and got the heart rate up, so I was pleased. I'm interested in how the rest of the week will shape up. I've got a busy rest of the month. This week, I'm preparing a sermon and my sunday pm lesson as well as getting ready for a week of camp and a cookout on Wednesday evening as well as helping with the Food Pantry that morning. Oh, and I should mention that I'm heading to Springfield to see my Laura this weekend (Three more days!).

Proverbs 14:2 says "He whose walk is upright fears the LORD, but he whose ways are devious despises him". The person who has respect and reverence for God will live a life that is evident of his commitment to God. The Bible says his "walk is upright", which means he's living a righteous and good life. He's not just a "good" guy, but he's doing the right thing. This person doesn't cut corners or tell "white lies", he's a straight shooter...all the time. On the other hand, the person who is cutting corners in life, making sneaky little deals, and consoles him/herself by saying "It's alright, I'm a good person" is the one who (as the Bible says) despises the LORD. It's amazing to me how many people go around claiming to be Christians and to love God and yet see in so many of their lives where they are deficient in morals, ethics, and character. Doesn't the Savior of our souls deserve a little better than our second best? We need to straighten up and walk upright!

If you're going to the Food Pantry on Wednesday, be at church at 9:45 to load up.
High School, remember Pete's Sunday School Cookout is Saturday at 5 pm. Come hungry!


Thursday, June 10, 2004

Rain out

Well, I got up at 5:30 to ride and it was a little wet out. It wasn't raining all that hard, if at all, at the time, but I didn't ride anyways. The plan was (and still is) to go to the highschool parking lot and do some laps and accelerate on the straights like I will be on Saturday. But, those plans will have to wait. I have a meeting with some camp folk in Wachington today. I'm looking forward to it. Camp has always been one of the highlights of my summers and something that I always get excited about. I hope that we have a good turn out from Berea for the weeks of camp that I'm going to be a part of because they have always had a good rep for being top notch. Both weeks have new teams leading them but we've worked with some of the best so the weeks will still be great, with a few new flavors.

Proverbs 10:1 says "A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother". Sounds pretty obvious, eh? As the whole book up till now has been talking to kids about getting wisdom, and much of that from their parents, it would seem to go with the flow into this section of little nuggets of wisdom. These sections of Proverbs are great. If you get in the habit of reading one chapter a day (which I highly recommend), even if you don't retain EVERYTHING, you'll hang on to one or two of these nuggets to work on during the day. Anyways, we honor our parents by listening to their wisdom and teaching. They've been where we are. Although it may seem like they're out of touch and can't relate, I think they deserve to be heard. They have made (and hopefully learned from) their own mistakes inthe past, so they aren't perfect. But neither are you! Ha! Try seeking out their counsel and doing the things that will bring them joy and a feeling of "Hey, my boy/girl is going to turn out alright", instead of "Why, Lord, why?!?" Remember: fo the right thing.

We're swimming on Friday (6-8 @ Forest Park)
I'm racing on Saturday (1:30 & 3:20 @ 6th and Cherry in TH)
We're cleaning & stocking Wednesday (Food Pantry on Pinkley 10am-12)


Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Bad boy

Well, I have a confession to make. I've not entered a new post since some time last week. I've been on here so little lately that I had to think about my password before entering it! I'll try to be better.

This morning, I rode a little more than 25 miles on my bike. It was a good ride that I made difficult. I'm trying to keep fresh for a race in Terre Haute on Saturday that you should all come to. I'm not able to go to any group rides, including the all important Thursday night Ventures ride, because of VBS, so I have to ride fast and hard on my own. It's difficult but it will pay off. And you should come watch on Saturday at 1:30 and 3:20 at 6th and Cherry.

Find a Bible and read Proverbs 9:1-6. These pictures of Wisdom crying out desperately for those who need it to come to her are neat to me. She's done everything, she's prepared and ready, and she's inviting all to come to her for what they so dearly need. The food and drink that she has is good and life-giving and it's waiting on those who will come and take (as much as they want, mind you). I feel for the girl, though. As well as she's prepared, as good as the food, and as eternal the nourishment, the people that need it don't come! I can't sound more-holy-than-thou and say that I know exactly what she means, because I have kids that just don't seem to listen to me, but many times I'm one of the fools who just walks on by, turning a deaf ear to the truth that's being said. When will we stop? When will we stop throwing life away and grasp the good thing that's been there from the beginning? The Lord is calling to us by his "Wisdom" and offers us understanding and spiritual food that fills and quenches beyond what anyone or anything else can offer. But it falls back to us to choose. Do we go to the house that's strong and established with food that is good and eternal or branch out on our own and let whatever happens happen? Let's do the right thing, eh'?

Updates and other stuff...
Friday is the pool party at Forest Park from 6-8.
Saturday I'm racing in TH at 1:30 and 3:20 (come and yell)
Next Wednesday we're going to the Brazil Emergency Food Pantry to help clean and stock shelves. This service project will benefit them as well as give us an opportunity to learn to serve others.


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Dry Spell

Wow! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted something (for all three of you out there who read my blog!). A lot has gone on in the last week and a half since my last post. Let me catch you up:

-Wednesday (5/26) was Lizzie's last Big Deal with us until next school year. We'll miss you Derek! Also that evening was the revelation of my "special someone". Yes, the cat's out of the bag. I'm dating and have been for a little over 2 months. She's a great girl and hopefully will be around some for those of you interested in meeting her. Laura, if you're reading this, no pressure!

-Thursday (5/27) was a blur. I had one of those days where I did a lot but felt like I got nothing (next to nothing) done. I know I went to my guitar lesson and did the Almost 12 thing and it rained a lot, but that's about it.

-Friday was a pretty good day. I got most of my lessons done and a good start on my sermon. That evening, Laura and I went to my cousin's graduation in Oblong, IL.

-Saturday, after staying the night at mom and dad's, I came home, sent Laura off, got dinner and worked out the rest of my sermon.

-Sunday was the long-awaited Youth Sunday. It went (almost) without a hitch. Sunday pm was pretty informal. There were 7 for our yg meeting. Then the weather moved in. Warnings and red stuff all over the radar kept us in the church basement for a little while. Then after a short break in the mess, we all scurried out to our respective homes/vehicles and enjoyed then evening indoors.

-Monday and Tuesday were great! I've not had two days off like that in forever. I got to read a book! I chose to read a book for my own enjoyment for the first time in at least 9 months! Tuesday, although it was my day off, I kicked some tail and got some stuff done. I got some needed rest, did my devos, mowed the lawn, went to the bike shop, rode 58 miles and went to bed (after calling Laura).

-Today, I'm finishing the Summer Schedule for Youth and Young Adults and starting on VBS lessons for next week. I'm busy but happy.

Proverbs 2:1-11 "My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands with in you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call ou for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for is as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. Then you will understand what is right and just and fair-every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you."

I think this one's pretty self-explanatory.

One event to be putting on your calendars is Bowling Night at Brazilian Lanes on June 11 @ 7 pm. We'll go till 9. HEY, BRING A FRIEND!!!
