Monday, January 31, 2005

Failing math grade

Well, as it turns out, I have either poor mathematical skills or just blanked out for a bit last week when calculating just how many days it would be until Laura and I get married. Somehow, from January 21 to May 21 came out to be 110 days. That however is incorrect. From TOMORROW, February 1 it is 110 days! Again, I'm not sure what happened. Maybe I figured in the three complete months between now and then and only factored in the 21 days in May without regard for the 10 or so days left in January. I'd like to blame it on absent-mindedness and not have to think that simple math has become a challenge, so I think that's what I'll do. I suppose I'm used to that because, as most of you know, I'm somewhat (maybe considerably) absent minded. I think I get it from my mom, who says of herself "I'd loose my head if it weren't attached!" I can totally empathize! But for now, I've got to get on with what I'm supposed to be doing...

...if I could only remember what that is.

Proverbs 31:7 says (NASB), "Let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his trouble no more". These words are from King Lemuel and not from Solomon at this point in the book. Not to be thought less of, the last part of this chapter has become one of the most notable passages regarding what kind of woman a girl ought to try and be and the kind of woman a boy ought to aspire to find. The first part of this chapter deals with alcohol. Now, the verse that we have read would at first glance seem to condone the usage of alocohol, at least on some levels or occasions. However, at the top, the writer says plainly that drinking is not for kings. If they do this, they could face all sorts of trouble from forgetting their responsibilities to misinterpreting the law to perverting justice. That doesn't make for a good king! The leader ought to lead by example, and a drunken example produces drunken followers. No, the booze is left for the down-and-out and the dying. Their situation is grave and there won't be much changing it. I do not believe that this excuses their behavior, though. I can't help but think that these folks who are down here are there by there own devices. I have nothing to prove this except referring to other words in Proverbs lifting up wisdom and diligence and condemning folly, laziness, and greed. I think what we can pull from this is to aspire to be like the King and not choose a life less than the best. Our King has set us an example to follow and if we do not, we are left to live life by our own devices.

Hey, great job to all who were involved in Youth Sunday this week. We had some new faces doing new things and some old ones stepping in at the last minute. I'm proud of you all.

Sunday Feb. 6 Super Bowl Party at Wilsons': 6:00 till the end of the game or your parents come to claim you! Girls bring drinks, gents bring snacks, everyone bring $2.


Friday, January 28, 2005

Sunday sermon prep

I'm really excited about finishing up my sermon for this Sunday's Youth Sunday. It isn't just that I want to get it done and out of the way, but it's about the subject matter itself. I don't want to spoil the surprize for those of you who won't know until Sunday what I'm preaching on, but let's just say that the illustrations for this week are near and dear to my heart. They happen to be of the two-wheeled, shaved-leg, tan-lined, watt-pumping, pedal-spinning, high-mileage, heart-bursting-out-of-their-chest type. If you don't know the type I'm talking about, then let me introduce myself because you don't know me very well! There are a lot of life applications to be drawn from sports in general, but I think the one I will draw from this sport in particular has great influence on the Christian walk. Yes, I am speaking in somewhat ambiguous terms but it's to add a little more excitement to our upcoming service in a somewhat limited, passive-aggressive way. Limited in that only the three of you who read this will be able to enjoy this sneak peek, passive in that this sneak peek is in print form, and aggressive in that I want you to know that you really do need to be there!! All that said, I need to finish here so I can finish building my sermon. "Allez, Joe!!!"

Proverbs 28:7 (NLT) says, "Young people who obey the law are wise; those who seek out worthless companions bring shame to their parents". Ever wonder why so many parents are always saying things like, "Choose your friends wisely"? I think it has to do with the amount of words in Proverbs devoted to the company we keep. I don't think it's a new saying for parents to be using and this verse is proof of it. For thousands of years, parents trying to raise good kids have seen their hard work be dashed to bits by the influence of the bad company of their children. Unfortunately for the kids, they (we, because we were all there!) don't listen and understand that this "friend" is bad until after they've gotten themselves in trouble, maybe even sold out by him/her. As we have seen thorughout Proverbs, the child who does what is right, who follows the rules set out to protect him, is praised as wise. This figure presented next is somewhat of a new one for us: the child who seeks out the troublemakers as companions. The first chapter of Proverbs warns the child not to throw their lot in with these evil people. Throughout the book, it is shown that these folks are on the path to destruction. I'm not sure what would lead a child to this kind of desire. In today's culture, with the lack of solid families and thr proper attention and love shown therein, it may be because the child feels that they can have a sense of belonging and rise to a level of importance. This is as far down this road as I am comfortable going, however. I'll save that discussion for the two counselors in my family. Parents, continue to try to do the right thing by your kids. Show them the love they need: acceptance, value, confidence, affirmation, but not forgetting and leaving out important things like discipline, structure, and well-defined expectations. Kids, again, understand that your parents were kids once also. Do your best to do the right thing by your parents (even if you think you are trying harder than them). Working together as a family, as a unit, you will bless one another and be what God set out for you to be.

Sunday-Youth Sunday; PM-SCAMPS concert
Sun. Feb. 6-Super Bowl party @ Wilsons': fellas-snacks, ladies-drinks, everybody-$2.


Thursday, January 27, 2005

Shopping trip

I went to run some errands in town this morning at Wal-Mart. I was amazed at what I found. I got the things I went in for and then headed down the cereal aisle in the limited grocery section of the Brazil WM. As I was looking for what I would be starting my days off with for the next week or so, I noticed that the price was incredibly lower than it would be for the same thing at the grocery store! Like in the realm of $1.50 cheaper for a big box of cereal! Well, I had noticed this before but it really sunk in this time. I'm thinking to myself, "Self, you need to become a better shopper and learn about these things". It's good food for thought (no pun intended!) since I'll be shopping for two soon! Now ALDI on the other hand is great also, if you aren't concerned with name brand food. For a long time, I always thought that ALDI was like the second-hand store for groceries. I would go in when mom was buying food to feed the 6 of us (gee, do you think she new something?) and not see my Frosted Flakes or Fruity Pebbles and the faces associated with them. Instead, they had these "goofy", boring names (like "Pebbles" isn't a little goofy, and who would want to eat pebbles anyway?) like "Puffed Wheat" or "Frosted Wheat Squares", or Michael's favorite "Apple Dapples". I just assumed an inherent lack in the quality of the box without the tiger or the cavemen. But now that I'm older and wiser, bring on the boring, only-tells-you-what's-in-the-box, titled cereals! Save me some cash, man! I suppose this input will only be enlightening for the younger readers out there. But if you happen to be a vet of spending more money for brand names, maybe my little epiphany has inspired you as well. Either way, happy shopping.

Proverbs 27:7 says, "He who is full loathes honey, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet". It's interesting that both parts of today's entry have to do with food to some degree. I really do enjoy food. I have for most of my life but definitely the defining moment of my love for cullinary arts was my job at the Garden Restaurant back when I was in highschool. I was exposed to many new dishes and gained an appreciation for food prep, especially at that level. I had a ravenous appetite while in highschool because I was always very active in sports and marching band. I was either in a sport or training for the next one. I could eat at the drop of a hat. But I had my limits. Desert was always available at the restaurant and it was always excellent. Sometimes, though, my eyes were bigger than my stomach and I couldn't finish that delectable morsel, no matter how much was left. I was full, and at that point, I wanted nothing more to do with what was on my plate. In working there, I also witnessed a lot of waste. I saw $18 slabs of prime rib thrown into the trash only having been half eaten. I saw $3.00 pieces of the best cheesecake I've ever tasted look like it had only been mashed around the plate without any of it ever entering anyone's mouth. That was the sad part of the job. Because Newton was not a very affluent community, I'm sure that those half portions would have been enjoyed elsewhere. I'm not sure what this verse points to directly but I think we can easily draw a few long-standing principles. "Clean your plate", "Never get more than what you'll eat", "In all things, moderation", and other things including stories of starving kids in Africa. We are so blessed in this country. We are able to enjoy so much more than most of the world. While this is true, this privilege must not be abused. I don't think the Lord is pleased when he witnesses the waste of his blessings. Let's be mindful of what we've been given as we sit down to enjoy or bounty.

Saturday Jan. 29 @ 6 pm People of Prayer.
Sunday Jan. 30-Youth Sunday (remember: no regular PM meeting for SCAMPS concert)
Sunday Feb. 6-SuperBowl Party at the Wilsons', 6 pm till...whenever your parents come!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Something's gone wrong

Well, I have to appologize for not being as regular with the blog lately as I would have liked. However, unlike in the past, where I'd go days (even weeks) without writing because I was unmotivated or got burried with doing other things, I haven't had much of a choice lately. The network here in the office has been a little screwy recently. I don't know if it's moisture in the lines from all the rain, the inablility of the guys who put it in, or our service provider just not being able to keep up with everyone. Either way, many times in the past few weeks that I've tried to write or even search the net, the computer just wouldn't go! I don't pretend to know much about computers so me being able to write and describe the situation is a stretch for me. I will refrain from using terminology like "thingamabob" and whatchamacallit" to be sure. So hopefully today's venture won't go for nought. I still hope everyone (all three of you) are enjoying this 3 minutes of your day some 3 or 4 days a week (pending). So for what it's worth, enjoy your day and the rest of your net-surfing experience today.

Proverbs 26:7 says, "Like a lame man's legs that hang limp, is a proverb in the mouth of a fool". Useless. Utterly useless! This is an ammusing proverb to me because of the mental pictures I can associate with it. Like someone confined to a wheelchair is unable to use his/her legs (this unfortunate occurance isn't the ammusing part), I can imagine what it would look like for a fool to have this useful nugget of wisdom just sitting motionlessly on his tongue. Jar-Jar Binks from the new Star Wars flicks comes to mind here. At one point in the "first" episode, he gets his tongue zapped by some kind of energy source in an engine and numbs it completely! He's flailing the thing around trying to get it to work but it just won't. I can remember times in my life and stories of others after leaving the dentist's office, my tongue/lips/mouth full of novacaine, trying to function normally. Funny sight! Drinking a glass of water becomes a spectator sport! Foolishness, although sometimes laughable, is most often times a sad thing to watch. You know what's going to happen when one of these guys attempts something beyond him. Why does it fail? A lot of times it's just that the poor guy just doesn't know what to do. That's what this verse highlights. Wisdom is so foreign to the fool it's like trying to fix your Japanese car with the Japanese instruction manual (with no pictures!). It's useless to him and to those around. If we practice wisdom and make ourselves familiar with it, we then are able to use it when we have opportunity. The Lord has given us the instruction manual and has made it accessible to us. Practice his wisdom so that we won't be left looking like were chock full of numbing agent.

Saturday Jan. 29 @ 6:00 pm in the auditorium is People of Prayer. Come and experience this time of prayer with the Lord.
Sunday Jan. 30 is Youth Sunday!!! I'm preaching on The Domestique. The Singing SCAMPS will be doing their concert in the evening, so no regular youth group meeting downstairs. Come out and enjoy their concert.
Sunday Feb. 6 is the Super Bowl Party at the Wilson's. Bring $2, snacks (fellas), and drinks (ladies). TIME CHANGE!!! The postcard says we'll start at 6:30 but we'll begin at 6:00 pm.


Friday, January 21, 2005

Fours months from today

At 1:00 pm this afternoon, it will be exactly 4 months from my wedding date (Laura insists it's her wedding, and that's ok because I'll be there, too!). I'm really exited to think about it. Things are really coming along smoothly for the schedule we're on. She's going to look at wedding dresses today! She told me again last night that I'm more excited than she is, which to this point seems to be holding true. There's still plenty to do but I have confidence that all will get done. I was thinking for a minute this morning about what kind of time is involved in 4 months. It's 1 semester of school. It's 4 car, insurance, electric, phone, etc. bills. Several of the big Pro Tour races will have been completed by then (we'll be in the middle to end of the Giro for you Grand Tour freaks out there). February only has 28 days this year, so it's 110 days away. It's a little less than 16 weeks, which means 13 or 14 Sunday pm lessons to prep for (because we won't have one on the evening of the SCAMPS concert and leaving room for weather and other events). Putting everything in this light, there's not much time until May 21, but there's no doubt in my mind that I'll be ready when the day comes.

Proverbs 21:7 says, "The violence of the wicked will drag them away, for they refuse to do what is right". Have you ever seen The Untouchables? It's a great movie about Elliot Ness and his task force trying to rid the streets of Al Capone and his mob during the Prohibition years. Capone is ruthless in the movie. Only concerned about keeping himself in business, he kills and orders the deaths of several, while providing people with his illegal liquor. He has hundreds on his payroll, even in the police, who cower at the thought of crossing him. But Ness eventually brings him to justice. He is tried and convicted for his crimes. In his last scene, Capone has to be dragged out of the courtroom by force because he's so irrate. That's the picture I get in my mind as I read this verse. Capone was a violent and evil man. He knew that he was outside the law because Prohibition was such a huge issue in those days. Still, he kept up his illegal practices and did so at the cost of many lives. But in the end, his wickedness caught up to him and he was quite literally dragged away. Don't let this happen to you. No, I'm not talking about you forming a mob and selling banned substances (like lawn darts, for instance) underground. What I am saying is what I've said before: wickedness will eventually catch up to us. It hurts us and those around us. So at least for my sake, if you're going to follow in Capone's footsteps, stay away from me, thank you very much! Lessen the evil that will find you by seeking good. Elliot Ness was a cooler character anyway.

Sunday Jan 30 is Youth Sunday.
Sunday Feb. 6 is an all youth group Super Bowl party @ the Wilson's (Pete said it was ok, Jackie). More info to come.
Be on the lookout for info about Acquire the Fire, JBC Spring Retreat, Jr. High Retreat @ Camp Illiana, and Junior Faculty training at camp coming soon.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

"Good Morning Everybody!"

I know it isn't morning as I'm writing this, but this quote contains significance. Today was our first Campus Life meeting of the semester and as the morning kicks off, I always break into the music and games going on by shouting this greeting. It's fun and the kids seem to get a kick out of it. The rest of the CL crew now knows that I'm engaged. Nancy was funny this morning. She was pretty anxious to tell the news to everyone as soon as I got there. I would have gotten around to it eventually but I guess I was waiting too long! Anyways, it was a good morning indeed. We had a big crowd and Chris gave a good talk. I know alot of the people who show up are only interested in the free donuts, but I'm sure they aren't missing everything that's being said up there. I don't think the Lord would give us that great of an opportunity to have everything fall on 90% deaf ears. But whether we're reaching 10 or 100, it's a great ministry and continues to be one of the highlights of my week.

Proverbs 20:7 says, "The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him." This verse makes me want to be a righteous man if, for no other reason, to bless my kids when they are older and I'm dead and gone. It's so true, isn't it? Think about the good families you know. What makes them good? They are good because the people in them are doing the right thing. You don't build a good family on poor morals, second rate ethics, and bad behavior. A righteous man's righteousness will bleed over into how he raises and leads his family. Righteousness is something that is present in every aspect of life. If it is something that is put on for show out in public and shelved when at home, it is something other than righteousness. As the family grows and the kids get older, they will begin to learn the behaviors of their parents. What a responsibility that puts on parents! But if your life is blameless, your children who are following in your footsteps will be blessed. Blessed not only by your good name, but blessed that they have been given a head start of sorts on an already tough road of life. Blameless is the key. Blameless before God and blameless before people. As we live, whether we have kids or not, let us live as if we are setting the example for those coming up after us.

Sunday January 30 is Youth Sunday. Get geared up!


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

We're back!

Campus Life starts up again today at North Clay. Chris, Nancy, and I will be back during school lunch to hand out cards to start up another wild and wacky semester. At the ball game Friday, I got to see a handfull of kids that I haven't seen all winter break which was cool. They were all excited about learning of my engagement so I'll be able to show them a couple pictures of the happy couple today (that's my fiancee and I!). The eighth grade girls that are always asking about her were probably the most excited for me, other than Michael and my mom. It's always fun talking about it to whoever will listen. Chris and Nancy don't know yet so they will get the news today and the rest of the CL crew will learn about it tomorrow. Campus Life always adds excitement to my week. That age group of kids is a fun one to work with. They are a little less reserved than older teens but bigger and less fragile than your average elementary schooler (which is nice because you can play rougher!). All in all, CL is back and I'm ready!

Proverbs 19:6 (NASB) says, "Many will seek the favor of a generous man, and every man is a friend to him who gives gifts". All throughout life, I've wondered what it would be like to be incredibly rich. Like owning houses in 3 countries, drivin' my Ferrari, flyin' around in my own jet kinda rich! Life would be good. That is until people started seeing my name on the Forbe's 100 Wealthiest People list and started calling me asking for handouts. That's the part of being rich that would soon get annoying. Back here in reality, neither I nor any one reading this blog are in that condition of being freakishly wealthy (but if you are, I would like to ask you to donate to the Put Joe Through Life's an incredible investment!) but many of us have been blessed to where we can be generous. There are many people in this world who are, but there are more who are there to exploit the generous. According to God's word, there always have been. At points in life, we've all had to deal with this on certain levels. In Kindergarten, who did you want to be at your party? The kid who you knew would give the best presents! The same goes for relatives at Christmas. You can stand a couple more cheek-pinches and smacks on the lips if it will get you closer to that new remote control car or gaming system. But these more innocent behaviors carry over into adulthood for some and becomes a sad display of childishness and greed. The Bible teaches us to be content with what we have and to be humble in the presence of others. Two verses come to mind here. About our possessions, Proverbs 30:8b-9 says "give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God." Also, Jesus says in Luke 14:8 & 11, "When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited...For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." I think in these two passages we see good examples of knowing God's place for us in life. We need not schmooze those around us to get ahead in life, but be content and humble before God and he will provide for our every need.


Friday, January 14, 2005

Winter again

Well, the short spell of Spring-like weather has come and gone once again. Now we can get back to winter for real. This won't make some people (my fiancee, for one) very happy because they like and thrive on warm weather. These kind of people are wearing layers when it's 80 (my mom used to be one of these people). But one thing that is interesting to me is how much of a mind game air temperature can be. Think about when it's 60 degrees. If there's a day in the summer where it only gets up to 60, people rummage through their closets looking for their jackets and turn on the heat in the house. Now in January when it's 60 degrees, look out because out come the shorts and the sunblock (although till today we haven't seen the sun in over 2 weeks it seems)! I don't know how that works in the minds of people but it seems to hold true pretty much everywhere. I suppose I'm glad that we have such variation in weather patterns though. Otherwise, I would get extremely bored with the predictability of the seasons.

Proverbs 14:6 says "The mocker seeks wisdom but finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning". I'm sure we all have dealt with people in our school days who for some reason just never got it. I'm not talking about those challenged students , but those who were always on the cutting edge of getting into trouble or being first with a snide remark and wondered why they never got any breaks from anyone. I've known a few myself. They are frustrating people to even observe! It's painful! They seem to yell alot too, just so you know that they are there. I think this person is the mocker in our verse today. They never seem to like any of their teachers nor do they think life is fair. But when you see how they act, being unfair and unlikeable, they are a living, breathing contradiction! Even in their boldest attempts to gain some knowledge worth knowing, it's hard coming. Why? Because they have this mocking attitude about them. The attitude of the discerning is just the opposite. They have found that life is a little easier when a.) they are easy to get along with (not mockish), and b.) they have the right attitude. This attitude is one of true desire to learn and do what is right. Their drive for the truth causes them to "see" and "think" more clearly through life. This discernment develops the right kind of mind within them. And because they are seeing and thinking with the right mind, the knowledge which they desire is their for the taking. Jesus spoke of this kind of person when he said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled," (Matt. 5:6). No one strives to be like the mocker because everyone can see that he's a buffoon! If we set our standards higher and seek to have this right kind of mind, we will indeed be filled.

No new announcements, but be on the lookout for Super Bowl party , Jr. High retreat, Acquire the Fire, and JBC Spring Retreat info.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

In the mood for Spring

Alright, nothing kills me more than this 60 degree stuff in January when I'm tired of being cooped up inside and its getting close to time to the beginning of a new cycling season and all I want to do on a day like today is chuck it all and get out on the bike. But, since Berea doesn't sponsor a pro-racing team, I'm here in my office writing on my blog and prepping for the Big Deal. I do, however, enjoy the trips to the church from the office where I can get some fresh, warm air without having the feeling that the cold was going to peel off my skin (think freezer burn instead of sunburn. Ziplock anyone?). I also feel for the students who are in class now and have no choice but to be inside on a day like today. Mack, Nick, Chan, TB, Grif, my heart goes out to you all. Of course 60 above or 60 below, Griffin and Jordan are in training for track and they'll be outside chuggin' along like they work for the Postal Service (neither rain nor sleet nor storm, eh guys?) Days like today are good for the soul though. I've never been one to get really depressed during long stints of bad weather, but I know people who do. I don't think cabin fever is a diagnosable condition but you can definitely tell its effects on some folks. So even though it's still wet outside, and whether or not you suffer from cabin fever (or are excited about the upcoming cycling season) get about 5 minutes at some point in the day and take in some nice, fresh air. You never know, it might be just what the doctor ordered.

Proverbs 12:6 says, "The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them". Remember on Monday when we talked about violence overwhelming the mouth of the wicked? This verse goes right along with it. If your mind works in pictures like mine does, this could really stir up some graphic thoughts about wickedness. Like the mouth that spews out wickedness, the words of that mouth do nothing but harm. Their very purpose is to cut down, degrade, insult, slander, and back-stab. You can think of them in terms of a trap, that baits a person only to hurt them later, or as ammo in an assult rifle that come on in a full-forced barrage. The speech of the upright is the opposite of this. It is not malicious or destructive. Instead it is life-giving, uplifting, and healing. It is able to get themselves out of trouble (not that an upright person would be in much anyway, but to stick with the illustration) as well as lead others out of it and around it. Remember talking about how the wickedness of the wicked will come back on them? Their speech will eventually turn on them and do the same or greater damage to themselves than they dished out. The upright, righteous person has the opposite to look forward to. Their uplifting words will save them in their own time of need. Choose your words wisely, for in whatever you say, you may be baiting your own trap or setting yourself free.

Fellas, remember I need you at church tonight (today is Wednesday, just in case you lost track) at 6:30 to listen to Harold Boldon speak about the importance of Offering and Communion meditations. IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU BE HERE!!!

Can someone bring snacks tonight? Thanks.


Monday, January 10, 2005

Out of my element

Ok, I love going to see everyone at NHS at lunch, but I hate the first day back of every semester. I have to get retrained to where everyone is and is not so that I can see as many people in the lunch hour as I can. And it's hard too because there are new people intermixed in with everyone else and they look at me funny! A lot of people who see me every week look at me funny too, but I guess I'm kind of getting used to that. I'll settle in to the new way of things soon. I think I saw 90% of our kids who were there and talked to 90% of those kids for at least 30 seconds. It's a really fun part of my ministry but it's tough because it's a little (a lot) intimidating. I look forward to seeing my kids and talking some with their friends too, which many of them are starting to warm up to me sooner and sooner in the semesters. I suppose it's one of those things that will just take a little time to get everyone used to. I'm going to continue to do it until it ceases being fun and I don't expect it to any time soon.

Proverbs 10:6 says, "Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked". The Lord promises his people, those who follow him, good things. Throughout Scripture, he has made promises to us that he will be good to those who are for him. From the times in the desert, to the time of Christ, to today, his word remains true. If we honor God with our lives, he will honor us. Like a king or queen kneeling to be crowned, he will put his blessings on us. This picture might not mean much to us in the States but consider the inauguration of a President, the placing of a cape over someone receiving a Masters degree, or the dubbing of a knight in our average King Arthur spin off. Those pictures might give us the picture of being crowned with blessings. On the other hand, for those who oppose God in whatever way, they do not share the security of the blessings of God's people. "Wicked" encompasses a lot of folks but we won't focus in on who all that is here. For those who don't honor God, they can expect violence in abundance. Violence can come in many forms as well aside from the obvious examples of physical and verbal abuse. But the idea here is not so much that the mouth of the wicked person will get bombarded with violence, as in getting beat up, but that the mouth itself is the origin of violence! Violence is all that is there, not blessings. Where as the Lord showers his blessings on us, like a spring rain in during which the sun peeks out and warms everything up, what comes from the wicked person could be compared to a flood! There's just no end to their wickedness. But on the same vein, there is no limit to the blessings that the Lord has in store for his people. The choice is easy to make. It's like being on Let's Make a Deal and being able to see through the doors! I'd rather be showered on than flooded any day!

Wednesday Jan. 12: REMEMBER, I need to see all my baptized, believin' boys on Wednesday evening at 6:30 to talk about Youth Sunday responsibilities. Harold Boldon will be talking with you about offering and communion meditations. PLEASE BE THERE!


Friday, January 07, 2005

I hope you weren't offended

I just had to laugh at myself a couple minutes ago. I'm sitting in my office this morning and the phone has been ringing nonstop so far. Most of the calls have been for Tom, but that's not all that important. What is important was that we got a phone call (actually 2) a few minutes ago and Tom was on the phone himself. So as I picked up the phone, line 1 picked up. Well, being the courteous chap that I am, I quickly switched to line two to answer the phone only to be greeted by the dial tone. I thought, "That's odd", and went on my way, as Tom continued his conversation. A few seconds later, we got another phone call and I did the same thing, getting the same result. I'm thinking, "What's going on here?". That's when it hit me: Tom's talking on his cell phone and I've been hanging up on this person thinking I was doing someone else a favor! Oops! (Insert embarassed, red-faced emoticon here). So, if you (whoever you were) are a frequent reader of my blog and couldn't get in touch with whomever you were calling at the office because someone was hanging up on you, I hope this clears things up a bit. No offense, I'm only human!

Proverbs 7:6 says is an incomplete sentence in most translations and doesn't make sense by itself in others. This starts a longer section that tells the story of a simple minded young man who gets secduced by an adulterous woman (I told you the other day that Proverbs spends a lot of time talking about adultery!). There are many things that we could say about this subject here. The verses leading up to this tell of loving wisdom like a sister, tying reminders of it on your fingers, and writing the words of wisdom on your heart. The purpose of this is to protect ourselves (this is especially true for the guys, but girls can apply it too) from when we're tempted by adultery, fornication, or anything closely related to that. There is a constant connection in Proverbs with the gaining of wisdom and holding sin at bay. Listen up guys! We really need to learn to take God at his word as we live out our lives. Do this: the next time you feel tempted, whether it's to do something you know isn't right or to look at someone in a way that you know you shouldn't, ask God for his wisdom. James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." If you do, the Lord will provide a way out for you (I Cor. 10:13). Take it! If it works, try it again next time. I think that we will find that if we really desire to do what is right, then there will be no reason to ask about this not working. Stay away from her house, brothers! We'll all be better off for it later.

Deadline for CIY Discipleship Conf. is Sunday, Jan. 9.


Thursday, January 06, 2005

Lesson ala carte

Proverbs 6:6 (NLT) says, "Take a lesson from the ant, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise!" The sixth day of the next few months will be fun because the verses following this one all deal with the ant and Mr. Lazybones, or in other translations, maybe the best Old Testament put-down, the sluggard! Remember the sluggard? This guy just sounds greasy and bloated! Anyways, the writer here tells us to learn from the ant. Why the ant? Remember ants from such great movies as Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and A Bug's Life, and it will be no problem to see why we are referred to them here. Ants, although small, can do a great amount of work by themselves, upwards of lifting 50 times their weight ("50 times?!? That's like benchpressing a bulldozer!!!" from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids). With that kind of power, think of what an army of ants could do! So, we need to learn from our little picnic-ruining friends and a) learn to work hard and b) learn to work together. That way, no one will ever be able to criticize and say the you or I are just taking up space.

I'll have info about the Sr. High Retreat on Sunday for those who are going.
If any Seniors or Young Adults are still interested in the CIY Discipleship Conference, the registration deadline is Sunday the 9th.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Cold Feet

No, it's not what you think. I really do have cold feet! I took the long way to the office this morning and walked the driveway to the road instead of cutting across the lawn because of all the rain. If you are in the area, you know that it hasn't stopped raining since it started yesterday. Heading home for lunch, I forgot about the mess that is my lawn and tried cutting across only to get my feet soaked to the core! I was sinking in at every step. Not only was the ground soaked but there is a mole colony that goes under the part of the lawn I use to cross, so it made the sinking deeper. It was a rough trip and was uncomfortable until I got some dry socks on! So I'm sitting here after lunch in the office in sock-feet with my shoes stretched out and open over the heat vent getting toasty warm for the trip home. Be careful out there! It could get slick and walking anywhere after ditching your car will dampen more than just your shoes!

Proverbs 5:6 says, "She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths are crooked, but she knows it not." This passage in Proverbs talks more about the adulteress that seems to pop her head up at just the right (or wrong) time. Just to reiterate: this book spends a lot of time talking about adultery and adulterous behavior. It shouldn't take long to figure out why, especially in our society. In our youth group, we have spent a considerable amount of time talking about staying on the right path this past year. We talked about the path that Christ laid out for us to walk on that is straight and narrow. It involves concentration, focus, and commitment to find it and stay on it, but it is a good road and leads to life. The alternative is the broad road. The broad road accomidates everyone who is not on the narrow road. Fast lanes, slow lanes, whatever you are comfortable with, but this road leads to death. This is the road that the adulteress is on. Back and forth from lane to lane, enticing people to follow her on a joy ride that ends in a lot of pain. The verses before this one say that she's a sweet talker and is very persuasive. However, she is headed in one direction and taking everyone she can with her. What worse than the fact that she cruising headlong for the grave is that she doesn't know or doesn't care! Maybe both ("Ignorance is bliss.")! Apathy is as contagious as the flu in a daycare and if we as Christians don't protect ourselves against it and adultery by getting the wisdom that is offered to us, then we will fall victim to it as well. Try and figure out which road you are on and if you find that you're not on the road to life, don't be stubborn and wait for a convenient exit! Find the right road ASAP!

Big Deal tonight @ 7.
Deadline for Seniors to register for the CIY Discipleship conference is this Sunday Jan 9.
