Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Today is Wednesday which means tomorrow is Thursday! This simple fact shouldn't be a surprize for any of you but in case you didn't know, we leave for Johnson Bible College tomorrow!!! JBC is my alma mater and that area of Tennessee is one of my favorite places on earth. Knoxville is a great little city, the Smokey's are great and near by, plus offer some of the best cycling in the East. JBC's a great school and yearly host the Spring Retreat for high school students, our real reason for going down (not just a short vacation for me)! We're taking a smaller group than last year but there are still some new faces and new blood making the trip. Cheryl will again be accompanying me as a sponsor (she's so cool!) as well as the future Mrs. Willis, my fiancee, Laura. She's never been there before and is excited about getting to go and spend a little time getting to know the yoots a little better. Michael, Amber and Steph are all returning and bringing Matt W. and Austin B. along for the first time. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate with us so that we're able to enjoy the trip to its fullest, as far as I have planned it and thought it through. We're leaving BCC at 8 and plan to arrive on campus around 4 pm. We'll get settled in to our new digs, hang out and recupe from the long drive. Friday am, sees us heading to Gatlinburg for a short day in the mountains before heading back to campus for the start of the Retreat. We'll be heading for home at about 3pm on Saturday and be back around 11 or so. Pray for us, for the travel, for the Retreat, the other students, Pete Isenburg (the speaker, who is incredible!), and for whatever God plans to do in our lives while we're there and after we return. I'll let you know how it goes on Monday!

Proverbs 30:7-9 says, "Two things I ask of you, O LORD; do not refuse me before I die: keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty or riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God". Wow, if we could all pray this prayer, what a changed world and church this would be. This man is praying for the right things here. His two requests are simple yet profound. First, "keep falsehood and lies far from me". Here, the man is praying, I think, both to be an honest man as well as to be surrounded by honesty. The second request is to have just enough. This is something that we don't hear too often. Most of the time, when people pray about provisions, it is for abundance. His explanation for his reasons is simple: that his life may give glory to God. He will not disown God, nor will he dishonor God. Our world would be changed if the church would seek to pray this prayer. I know for a fact that my own life would be changed if I were to pray this prayer as well! Think what a doubting world would see if the church had its priorities in place in regard to its possessions!!! There would be a lot less reasons for doubt and scoffing aimed at God's people. God would be glorified and would be inclined to answer our prayers because they are for the right things. Try and pray this prayer and mean it and see what the Lord does in your life.

Skating tonight for the Youth Group, 6-9 at TH Skate World.
JBC Spring Retreat group leaves bright and early tomorrow!!!! See you Sunday!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Schedule conflicts

Sorry for the wait on this one. I suppose I took a break because I've been busy lately, which really doesn't excuse anything since I'm pretty much busy all the time anyways. But seriously! Busy. Biz-ee. And busyness isn't so bad if I'm getting stuff done, which, honestly, I have been. However, I start to have issues with busyness when it infringes on "my time". I don't have alot of it being in youth ministry (ministry in general is on the edge of 24 hours on-call anyway) so I try and protect it. I learned today that the Thursday night "fast rides" in TH have started and, because of my schedule, I won't get to participate in one until a month from now! April 21 is the first possible date that I will be able to get out and enjoy hurting myself (and others!) for an hour a week and guage my fitness against the other hammerheads in the area. I'm looking forward (and have been for some time) to getting outside more and riding with groups again. I miss Dave, Jerry, Peanut, and even Bill (I think I've written about him before). Poor old Feedbag has moved so he won't be there anymore (Jamie, if you're reading this, you have an open invite to come back and join us any time!). But we'll have a few new faces to get to know with the merger of Morris Trucking Velo and Team Bloomington. Fun times. I'm heading to Athens tomorrow to see Laura (woo! Less than 2 months till wedding bells will be a'ringin') and Knoxville next Thursday (the only two good reasons for missing a ride!). I've got to get on with my day so I can be less busy prepping for Big Deal tonight and Sunday School and enjoy a respite in my busy life this weekend.

Proverbs 23:9 says, "Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words". Ok, not speaking to fools would basically mean that we eliminate 99.9% of our opportunities of talking with anyone here on earth. I don't think that this proverb is a strict prohibition of speaking to people who seem to have no need for reason for wisdom. Looking at the verse itself, we see that you're words include wisdom, therefore I believe this presents a scenario where this person needs correction or advice. However, since this person is a fool, its in one ear and out the other. Anything you say will be like spitting into a stiff breeze. It's pointless and potentially bad for you, even with the best of intentions. Wasting one's breath on those who will not listen, as has been said here before, is bad stewardship, a waste of time and energy. This is an example of Jesus' words not to throw pearls to pigs (Matthew 7:6). Unfortunately, I think at best we can hope that these people will see the good lives we live (assuming we live as God desires) and desire to get what we have. Then we might have a chance to use our breath and energy constructively.

Sunday PM Youth Group will not meet due to the Easter holiday (March 27). Spend some quality time with your families.
Next week:
Big Deal will be doing something special for Spring Break. I'll have it confirmed by tonight.
IT'S HERE!!!! The time for heading to the JBC Spring Retreat is finally upon us! All the sleepless nights spent hoping and waiting for the day to come is almost here! We'll be heading out next Thursday morning to Knoxville, TN for a few days of fun, worship, mountains, warm weather, and hot Krispy Kremes (HOT NOW!!!)! Pray for us that the trip will be a great one and we'll come home changed people.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I'm heading to Terre Haute today to switch my car insurance. It seems that I've been throwing money away over the last couple years paying WAY too much for what I thought I needed. I won't give figures but I could have built up a killer bike or saved to go on a dream honeymoon with Laura for what I've spent! Yeah, ouch. So, I'm going with Progressive. Good rates, good reps in TH, and the same coverage I'm getting now. It's a no brainer really. I'm just a little frustrated/embarassed/mad at myself for going with something so expensive for so long and my insurance guy for not telling me that I could be saving elsewhere. That probably upsets me more than anything. I have all my insurance in the one office, so I thought I would be getting a deal. Well, that's not the case! I've learned over the past few years that some people will take advantage of you if you are young and trusting. I can't help the former and I refuse to neglect the latter. I suppose I'll have to be a little more educated from now on. I suppose if I were giving advice to the younger readers of this blog I would tell them that they should get educated before making financial commitments. Car buying, insurance, housing, whatever. Don't shrug off any advice from parents, relatives, friends, even total strangers. At very least, weigh it against what you already know. I'll stop here because I don't want this to become a rant. Just be smart and remember to be a good steward with that which God has entrusted you.

Proverbs 16:8 says, "Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice." This is one of those simple and good sounding proverbs that takes a little effort to really swallow. Obviously injustice is not a desirable condition to live in nor is being unjust a good trait to possess. Most people consider themselves "good people" and a select few of them will honestly be seeking righteousness according to God's word. But there's this little problem here with the distinction between "little" and "much". No one really wants little. I don't think that everyone wants to have bajillions of dollars but they at least want to be comfortable. Without getting off track and into a discussion of possessions and paychecks, let's go back to what seems to be the heart of this proverb. The real focus of 16:8 is the distinction between righteousness and injustice. Righteousness is a much higher standard than injustice and is what God desires us to be. Righteousness, no matter what level of social standing or income, is the far great ethic than injustice. It is greater in God's sight to be upright and godly than to be filthy rich and cruel to those around. We are promised God's blessings if we strive to live for him, so we need not worry about amassing things to make our ride through this life more cozy, especially at the expense of others. Seek God and I believe whatever you now have will be that much more enjoyable.

Sr. High...Is your name on my list? It had better be by Sunday if you plan to go to the JBC Spring Retreat. Make your checks for $30 out to Berea Christian Church and have your parents sign the permission slip.


Monday, March 14, 2005


I hate deadlines! There is so much pressure associated with deadlines. Even the ones I make myself with retreats and sign-up dates and such cause me undue stress. Recently, I've been taking up the task of applying for FAFSA (If you don't know what this is, you've not been to college recently, have you?) and starting the scholarship app. process for LCS. I'm currently torturing myself with two self-imposed deadlines with the two retreats coming up in March/April. It wouldn't be easier without them, unfortunately. At first, it might seem to be easier to just promo an event then go with whomever shows up. You know, a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of thing. But that leads to problems like not having anyone to go at all, too many people showing up for the transportation you've provided, not having anywhere to sleep because you brought too many people and signed up too late to get any room reservations in the near by hotels, etc. Unfortunately, deadlines are a necessary evil in life, especially for procrastinators like myself. They keep us honest. Sometimes they hurt, though. So, until I can get organized enough to where deadlines are no longer a bother, they will simply continue to be a bother. But a good (*said with much sarcasm and reluctance) bother, I guess.

Proverbs 14:8 says, "The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception".

We've got a good crew going to the Jr. High retreat this weekend. Pray for us that it will be a great time of learning and fun!
Sr. High!!! Only 5 more days to sign up to go to the JBC Spring Retreat on March 31-April 2. Lot's of fun, fellowship, learning, mountains, and Krispy Kremes!


Thursday, March 10, 2005

Wishful thinking

I keep hearing people say, “Man, I wish Spring were here!”, or “I wish it would warm up”. I resonate with those sentiments on a lot of levels. There isn’t much I can do outside and really enjoy it when it’s bitter-cold outside. Sure, there are activities that you can only do when it’s cold, like snow skiing, snow ball fights, and building snowmen. However, it does not necessarily have to be -17 degrees to be able to do these things. 25 degrees. That’s a good winter temp for being outside and doing something, as long as it is snow related. I have to admit, I like winter and I like snow. I adapt pretty easily to most climates in a short amount of time. But if it’s going to be cold, there had better be snow! Laura hates the cold. She blames me every time it snows because she thinks I pray for it! I love to hear her growl at me when I tell her it’s snowing. She’s pretty great, despite the fact that she’s opposed to the cold. (72 days today or 10 weeks to go on Saturday!!!) All this said, I’m looking forward to the Spring, too, but not so much as to wish away the rest of winter. Spring will get here in time. The sun has come up every morning since the 4th day, so every day, every minute, we’re that much closer to leaves, the smell of fresh cut grass, sandals, and turning off the heat. If only I could apply this wisdom to other areas in my life, I would be a lot better off! So you mono-climatic people out there, don’t think I’m selling you out. I’m ready to go outside and take a deep breath and not have my lungs freeze solid, but enjoy the rest of this season first. Besides, before too long, some folks, and I won’t name names, will be complaining about the oppressive heat and humidity of summer. Some people you just can’t please.

Proverbs 10:8 says, “The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin”. I feel no sympathy for people who don’t know what to do because they talk while directions are being given. I run into that quite often in youth ministry. But it isn’t confined solely to adolescents. They have to learn it somewhere! People in general who think that what they have to say is more important than the one in authority irk me to no end. The wise in heart accept commands. We have established that the wise are attentive, discerning, listen to advice, and are built up when rebuked. The directions given to them don’t simply float off into space, they are taken in and carried out. On the flip side of the proverb, the fool does not accept commands and will come to ruin. One reason why, is that his mouth is more active than his ears. Whether the orders are from a teacher, preacher, or drill sergeant, if we aren’t tuned in, we can be assured that we will screw up. True listening is active. A listener will hear but also interact with and interpret what is being said. The proof of listening is in the actions that follow. If a command is truly accepted, it will be carried out and completed. Tune in to God’s word. Tune in to the commands he gives. Then, you will be assured that you won’t be left not knowing what to do, and be saved from ruin.

Jr. High Retreat deadline is this Sunday, March 13.
Sr. High Spring Retreat deadline is Sunday, March 20.


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Pause that Refreshes

I think that's either an old Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper slogan, but it describes this exact moment in time...right now. I've been busy from the get-go this morning. But it has been a good busy. The kind of busy that makes you feel like you're getting things done. I hope that's true! I'm getting things ready for the Jr. High retreat and the deans and I have a meeting for it and camp this afternoon. Big Deal will be fun to get back into this evening. Last week off was fun (and somewhat, but not near entirely, relaxing) but I think I'm ready to get back into it. I predicted that this Spring would be busy and that has held true. I have 5 big projects to do for school by May 1, the wedding planning is going strong, camp seems to be coming together, the retreats will almost run themselves after today, and then there's the day to day office stuff, getting ready for Wednesdays and Sundays. Wow. With it typed out like that, it seems a little daunting even to me! I'm trying to think how it will get done, and it will, no question. I'll leave it at that so that I can get back to the busyness of my day.

Proverbs 9:8 says, "Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you." This seems a little odd at first glance but makes more sense as I think about it. Not rebuking a mocker seems like it might be a cop out. Remember what has been said thus far in our correspondence about mockers and fools: they don't want wisdom, they don't want to walk the straight and narrow, they don't want to do what is right and good. With this in mind, it is easier to see that trying to correct the wrongs of someone who doesn't want to do right is an exercise in futility. It's simply a waste of time! But, taking the time to correct the wrongs of a person who is trying, to the extent that he is able, to do right (with the right attitude of love, of course) is a wise use of time and energy. Helping a brother or sister in Christ to do the right thing and revealing or leading them back to the right path is benefical to the person, the one leading him/her back, and the church as a whole. The one who is truly wise, even though getting rebuked stings, will be grateful for being led back. I think God wants us to be good stewards of our time. It seems to me, although it may sound a little hard lined, that our time is better spent building up those in the kingdom than wasting it on slackers.

Big Deal tonight at 7:00 pm.
Dead line for Jr. High Spring Retreat @ Camp Illiana is Sunday the 13th.
Dead line for Sr. High Spring Retreat @ Johnson Bible College is Sunday the 20th.


Monday, March 07, 2005

Bus lag and sore legs

By now, most everyone knows I’m back from my class last week because most of you would have saw me at church yesterday. If you didn’t see me at church, I’m back (and where were you?). If you didn’t know I was gone, I was, and I’m back. It was a good trip. The class was a Restoration Movement history class and much of it was review. It is good material to review though because the last time I read much of it, I was a disinterested college senior. Now, however, I have a great appreciation for the Movement itself and its plea. Basically, the whole thing is grounded in bringing unity to the church universal according to the Bible and it alone, uniting everyone who calls themselves Christians and getting away from denominationalism. So, there’s your history lesson for today. We went to historical sites in Nashville, TN, Lexington, KY and the surrounding area, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indy. The class itself was made up from a mixed bag of folks, some who had never heard of the movement or its key players. All in all, it was a good but very tiring week. I’m not sure if “bus lag” is an actual term or condition, but I’m feeling it. I’m coming from being very active for the last two months to doing nothing but sit on a bus and try to keep myself upright as we tool through hills and hollers. Not my idea of exercise! So I come home Saturday and get on the bike and felt decent. Sunday, Kim and 3 highschool guys and I took the 3-5 grade boys to laser tag yesterday. Then in the evening, we enjoyed a rousing game of ultimate Frisbee, the first of the year. Needless to say, my legs are aching a bit from the sudden increase in workload. I enjoy it though. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t do it. But I still need a bag of ice and a nap.

Proverbs 7:8 says, “He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house…”. We pick up with the story of our foolish young man in chapter 7. He’s about to be seduced by the adulteress, and we all know it looking in on him. I want to bring out a point here that will resonate with most of us. Unfortunately, it may sting a little if we’re honest with ourselves because we’re all susceptible to it, no matter what age or gender. This fella is walking down the road toward the house of the adulteress. In a tight community, like this one probably would have been, everyone would have known that this is where she lived. He’s basically walking into a trap that he knows full well is there. This is the point: we are so prone to flirt with danger and sin in our lives that we try and get as close to it as possible without falling off or crossing the line. But what seems worst of all, is that as far away as we think we are, sin has such a hold of most of our lives that it often times seems to reach across that line and pull us the rest of the way in! Sure, we have the final choice, but most of us are not used to withstanding temptation for very long. Sorry, but that’s the truth. The cure for this, and it seems so elementary, is prevention. Don’t go down the street in the first place!!! We know bad things lie at the end of that road! Don’t set a foot on it. Stay the course, the straight and narrow. We may think that life will be less exciting if we stay on the boring, old straight path. But as we progress on it, we’ll be conformed to God’s will where we will learn the joys and blessings of following after God’s path for our lives.

Hey, two deadlines are quickly approaching:
Jr. High Retreat: Deadline is Sunday March 13
Sr. High Spring Retreat: Deadline is March 20
